~Prayer Is The Answer~

A mother was tucking her small son into bed. “Have you said your prayers?” Mom asked. “No,” the little boy replied. “Why not?” asked mom. Because there was nothing I wanted,” the son answered.

I wonder how many times we grownups forget to talk with God because we don’t have a particular need at the time. How often do we wait until we are in a “pickle” before we think of talking to God? It is true that God tells us to bring all our needs to Him, but prayer is more than that. Prayer is not only to get God to do our will but it opens our hearts to doing His will. Our time of prayer may give us a completely new insight on what we need to be doing. It is time to shut the world out and have an intense conversation with our Heavenly Father. Someone who is much more intelligent than we could ever be..., He has all the answers. Prayer leads us to a place of peace, or calls us to do a specific action that will change our lives and give us hope.
    “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” God reminds us. (Isa. 55-8)

Sometimes, we may think we have received nothing from our time in prayer. But at that particular time it may be enough to just be close to God--Just to know, He is there when we are going through a valley and need to feel His loving arms around us is enough to get us through any day, or any problem. What a comfort to know God, and to know He will live forever! Moreover, through the spilled blood of Jesus Christ and His redeeming grace, He made it possible for us to be with Him forever.

I can look back on circumstances in my life, feel the hopelessness and despair, and still be amazed at how God brought me through each one of the situations. So many times I remind myself of the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples…”Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world.” (Matt, 28:20).
That promise always gives me peace, and through each chaos in my life, He was with me. I know there will be more valleys for me to go through; more shadows to face, and more deep waters to swim but with God holding my hand, I will wade the waters, climb the rugged mountainside, and reach the top victoriously.

God knows we are not always going to talk with Him as much as we should. He knows we will let human nature lead us into taking Him for granted. Still, He sees us with the eyes of a Father, and He knows our defects and all our blemishes. Through it all, He knows our value and counts us as His treasure. `1 Samuel 16:7 tells us that God does not see the same way people see…People look at others on the outside, but the Lord looks at the heart.

While it is true none of us pray as much as we should, the key to it all is having a good praying relationship with God. Being slack on our prayer time leads to disaster. He outlines the importance of talking with Him, He explains the promises, and articulates the consequences clearly at what can happen to those who do not love Him…then in the end, He leaves all choices up to us. If I want to look back upon my days with pleasure, I need to be productive as a servant, a helper, a caregiver, a friend, and one  who shares  God’s grace…I must achieve this through Prayer.That is how I see it.

Have a great day!
Mary Frances King


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