No Shoes in Heaven...

"God has no limitation on His love…His love can span an ocean wide, yet, I can hold it in my heart!!! 
Recently,  I got an e-mail from someone who sent me sayings of children.  I love kids!!! Because kids have a way of getting the point across using very simple words to deliver a powerful message.

A little boy was asked what he thought Heaven was like. He  answer, “I think Heaven is a place where we will be reunited with our grandmas and grandpas who have died. It is a place where everyone will be singing and happy. I think it is a wonderful place where all the children will have enough food to eat and boys can have fun rolling in the grass.  I don't think they will have to wear shoes if they don’t want to. Actually, I don't think there will be any shoes in Heaven. Just robes and crowns and stuff."   

  I have never considered myself an intelligent person…Smart enough to get me through this world, I suppose, but I am not highly educated. I hold no degree in anything and I really cannot tell you much about what is going on outside my little world. However, I do know some things….
     I have planted a  flower garden and watched it grow, so I know faith.  I have watched a tall oak tree swaying in the breeze, so I know grace. I have listened to the birds sing in the early morning hours, so I know  the sounds of sweet music. I have awakened to a morning without clouds and watched the miracle of a majestic sunrise, so I know what grandeur is. I have a roof over my head and all the food and cloths I need, so I know wealth. I have a wonderful family, so I know what love is. Because I have perceived all these things, I know who God is, and that is the most important thing. 

 I’ve never traveled the world so I cannot tell you what it’s like to visit a foreign country. I seldom get a vacation any more, but that is no big deal because one day, I will get an eternal vacation in Heaven.

Do you ever wonder what Heaven will be like? One scripture says, “eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard. Neither has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him.  We read of a description of Heaven in Revelation 22:18-23—John saw a city with walls of jasper and the city is pure gold like unto clear glass. He says there are twelve foundations; each one is garnished with precious stones. It describes them as… the first foundation is laid out in jasper, second one is sapphire, third one, chalcedony, fourth, is emerald, fifth, is sardonyx, sixth, sardius, seventh  is chrysolyte, the eighth is beryl, the ninth  is topaz, tenth  is chrysoprasus, eleventh  is jacinth, and number twelve is, amethyst. And that is not all!!! It says that the gates are made of pearl and are never shut…streets are gold. No sun and no moon…No need for them because the Lamb is the light. And you know what!!! The electricity will never be shut off due to an unpaid bill...Jesus has already paid for all bills in advance, and in full. 

So, what will we be like? We will be like Jesus---33 and holding.  That is the way I see it!!!   

Have a blessed day in the Lord!!!
Mary Frances King


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