God, Are You There?

We don't have to think about it long enough to realize that the people we go to church with-work with, or come in contact with throughout our day are truly like a part of our family---deserving our love, our concerns about their lives, our support and comfort. Surely they deserve our prayers. It does not matter what field you are in you need prayer...
*For the artist, prayer will bring you more in tune with God --to His nature and the inspiration of His beauty will flow through your performance on canvas.
* For the Physician, prayer will bring you to encouragement in making the decisions you know you will have to make. His hands will automatically guide yours. His wisdom becomes your wisdom.
* For the teacher, prayer will take you through the day with the children you have in your care; the same children that test your patience are the same ones that look to you for understanding and guidance.
* For the mother, prayer is a MUST... to face the day with a prayer tucked neatly in a corner of your heart gives you peace. It keeps your day in balance and reminds you that your family is safely placed in God's hands. He is there with them when you can not be.

To borrow the words from Helen Steiner Rice....

I'm way down Here!
You're way up There!
Are You sure You can hear
my faint, faltering prayer?
       For I'm so unsure  
       of just how to pray ---
I don't know what to say...
  I just know I am lonely
  and vaguely disturbed,
       Bewildered and restless,
       confused and perturbed.

 And they tell me that prayer helps to quiet the mind
And to unburden the heart for a stillness we find.
A newborn assurance that Someone does care
And Someone does answer each small sincere prayer...
                                  "God, Are You There?"


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