Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears....
Can I share some of my innermost feelings with you today...Why is it that with age we turn on the tear ducts and for some reason they work overtime. It is as if I leave a trail of tears behind me. Things I found humorous when I was young are the same things that almost always bring tears to my eyes today.  There are those who speak unkind words to me or about me and at one time, I would have given them a good piece of my mind, but now, I cry. I see others hurting; you cry, I cry.  
One of the hardest things for me to watch is the Humane Society’s commercial about the abused animals. I have gotten to the point I will leave the room when that commercial comes on.  Animal abuse breaks my heart and I cry. I hear of the possibility of a little child that is hurting, and I cry.  Just today, I read a story of an elephant belonging to a well-known circus that became sick while they were loading it on a train. I read that and I wanted to cry for all the animals that have lost their freedom and are used for the entertainment of people, and I cried. I feel sure those animals that God created to roam free are in so much stress and are being abused…Yes, abused! I feel that way because they are innocent, yet imprisoned, and used to keep people smiling… They may have all the food they want, a warm place in the winter to stay, and a cool place in the summer, but where is their freedom to roam in their own inhabitant. What life do they have fenced in?
I see a butterfly in the summer and I have a tear slide down my face because it makes me sad to   know this beautiful creature only has days on this earth and then it is gone.
All these things are here for their season and when they are gone, they become dust again leaving nothing of any value to show they were ever here.   
  There are those who will tell you that the same eternity awaits people, that there is no God, no Heaven, and no Hell and when we die, there is nothing. They try to make us feel stupid and childish to believe in such things as heavenly mansions, golden streets, and God and His love do not exist.
This definitely brings tears to my eyes and opens my heart to a mountain of pain. I cry when they make fun of my Father. I cry when they make fun of me. However, mostly, I cry for them…I cry because the same Christ who died on the cross did it for them as well as for me. I cry because until they recognize and accept Christ Jesus as their Savoir there is no hope for their eternal peace. Their final breath on this earth makes it impossible to go back and redo anything left undone. For this thought I leave a trail of tears.

 Walk with God;
Mary Frances King


  1. " Your words & thoughts are just like apart of my very own being. All the things that make you cry,..they do me too. The animal abuse just rips right through to my soul. Pretty much everything you've said, touched a tender spot within me. Your 'trail of tears' ...I follow also. God Bless You Mary, & all that you share with us." ♥


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