Taking Care of Your Own Front Porch
For several years, my pastor was a man by the name of Mr. Harley Humfleet. After every sermon he closed with an old saying, “Remember, if you can’t say anything good about someone, don’t say anything at all.” How nice it would be if everyone would heed to that little phrase, if we would all learn that a shut mouth gathers no foot.
Although it has been several years ago, I still remember the broken spirit and aching heart of one of my students when one of her so-called best friends spread rumors about her. I found her in a corner all alone, crying. I will also never forget the look of raw pain in her eyes as she told me what she had heard. Large tears coming from a river of sorrow streamed down her face. How do you comfort someone with that kind of hurt? What do you say? You cannot condone what the “gossiper” has said; and you cannot tell the one that is hurting to forget the situation.
She cried for a while, then wiped her eyes and said to me, “I will be okay; I just have to pray about this. Then Jesus will make me feel better… I took her in my arms and told her how much I admired her for the things she stood for and I thought she was a remarkable person. Soon the tears stopped coming, but for days, she sadly went about her daily business. It took a while, but the smile did come back in her eyes. In her own loving way, she even treated the one who had hurt her with respect. However, I daresay she still remembers those unkind words spoken against her character that day. Gossip destroys lives. Proverbs 13:3- He who keepeth his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.
The senseless words of gossip cause unnecessary pain and plants seeds of doubt. There is no such thing as harmless gossip. When we tell false stories about someone, we are spreading half-truths and sparse information. It takes away dignity and honor, and throws dirt on a person’s reputation. God despises this evil deed because of its cruelty. If we say we love the Lord, then we should love His children.
Gossip will only bring a short time of personal glory. In the end, it will only get you in trouble. More often, it is a case of not minding our own business. Jesus Christ told His followers to be unconcerned with the actions of others until they made sure that all of their own actions were upright and holy. Proverbs 30:10-Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest be curse thee, and thou be found guilty.
Sad to say, gossip is big business. Why else would the supermarkets have racks of “Rag magazines’ near their check-out counters? It would be a lot nicer world if we would all keep our noses out of other people’s business and take care of our own front porch. That is the way I see it…
Have a great day in the Lord,
Mary Frances King
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