Only A Moment
The last few days I have had a very heavy heart. Summer’s almost gone! Although fall is a lovely time of the year, I never look forward to its arrival. It serves as a reminder to me that time is passing, and I am nearing the seventy-year mark. Which means that I am in the autumn years of my life… Oh, my goodness! The years flew by so quickly.
This past year two people I valued their friendship dearly went on to be with the Lord; and I started to thinking…We only have a moment on this earth. What we do with it is what counts. The choices are vast and endless, but the moment is not. It will end sooner than we might think. It seems like the older I get the more I realize, even if we live to be a hundred years old; life is still only a moment.
What will you do with your moment? Shall you give, or shall you take? Shall you build up, or shall you tear down? Shall you spend your moment crying because you are hurting, or will you spend some time helping your neighbor through his hurting? Will you waste away your moment filled with hate, or will you “Love thy neighbor as thyself?” Will you spend your whole moment acquiring wealth, or will you slow the pace and spend time with family and friends.
Walk with God,
Mary Frances King
We make the world in which we live,
By what we gather and what we give.
By our daily deeds and what we say,
What we keep or throw away.
We make our world by the life we lead,
The friends we have or the books we read.
By passion we show in hours of care,
Heavy loads we lift with the love we share.
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