Mountains Only God Can Climb
There are certain mountains we cannot climb alone no matter how hard we may try. We are welcome to try, but we just cannot do it. The walls are too steep and the rocks, jagged.
Children of God, we are on a great journey. As babes in Christ, we started to climb the day we confessed to Him. He tossed us a rope --- His word. He gave us a desire in our heart ---His Holy Spirit.
Our first steps were confident and we felt strong, ready to tackle anything for Christ. However, as the climb progressed weariness set in, and with the height came fear. Our self-control melted away. Before long, we lose our footing and our grip starts to slip. We fall!
There are times I am stubborn ---I try to figure out the way up the mountain on my own. So much “me” and so little of God make for a difficult, if not impossible climb. I speak up on behalf of my opinions, my ego, and myself more than I speak up for my faith in God. I plan my agenda with prideful ways and think I can do it all by myself….Before long, my mind and heart are to scattered to know what I am suppose to do or which way I need to go. I can no longer taste the joy of a simple life.
Suddenly, I find myself in a valley I don’t want to be in, and the only way out is to climb the mountain. Big shot me, I tried things on my own and failed.
“If I can just get through this valley….” I find myself repeating this statement several times during the day and most of the night. I look for a cloud with a “silver lining” and it is just not there. I scan the sides of the mountain looking for a crossroads that will easily lead me to the top. There seems to be none….
I miss out on God’s gentle leading for a while until He softly reminds me….”Child, take my hand. This mountain is too steep for you to climb alone…”
I value my relationship with Christ. I have known sorrows in my life, but always, my Heavenly Father saw my tears and heard my cries. When my trials give doubts I must be reminded of all the other times I have had to lean on Him, and know that there are just some mountains only God can climb…That is the way I see it.
Have a great day in the Lord...
Mary Frances King
Have a great day in the Lord...
Mary Frances King
Thank you for these thoughts on climbing with and without God to hold on to. It is good to be reminded of our total dependence on Him.