Miracles Still Happen
During my times of devotional study I have really tried to get into the life of Christ. By far, I am no expert, not even close to it. However, one day I really started paying attention to what I was reading. In doing so, it was almost as if I was there walking the Galilee shores with Him when He touch the eyes of a blind beggar and made him see. I was there when the crippled man ran through the streets after Jesus commanded him to walk. I was there to watch Jesus embraced those with empty lives and how He filled their hearts with joy and hope for their future. I closed my eyes and pictured the scene of the great multitude of men, women, and children He fed with food from a small picnic lunch supplied by a young boy. What a miracle!!! I could see people standing there in groups of hundreds scattered as far as the eye could see. I walked with Him on the water when He calmed the raging storm, and I heard Him command the winds to, “Be still.” I literally heard that command. I sat with Him in the boat while He preached to the multitude after coming down from the mountain. I stood beside the woman who had to touch the hem of His garment, and when she did, I saw how He healed her right before my eyes. He has never let anyone down, and He never will. He touched the unclean and made them clean, restored hearing to the deaf, and even raised the dead to live again. What an awesome Jesus He was then, and now….Do miracles still exist? Of course they do. We have a few miracles who sit among us every Sunday in our church…Wanda W, Jimmy C, Jeff S, Gary C, just to name a few. There are more.
With all those beautiful stories, I didn’t want to open my eyes and leave my time with Jesus, but I knew I had to come back. Chores were waiting for me to finish. One day my time with Him will not be so short. I will have eternity to walk and talk with Him…I want to ask many questions….
The things I do know about this wonderful Man, He was born in a small village, in a barn among the cattle. It was His destiny to die on the cross to pay the price for our eternal salvation. He only lived among men for thirty-three years; yet, He rewrote the history of the world and changed it forever. God sent His Son so that we could know Him. He became a sacrifice so that we could follow Him. He defeated death so we can be given a clear title to a home in Paradise, forever.
I watched a program on Television once about the concentration camp. Someone had written on the walls of one of those horrible buildings, if I can remember it correctly, it goes something like….“I believe in the sun, even though I cannot see it shine. I believe in God, even if I don’t hear Him speak.” It is in our darkest hours we feel God. I think there are two reasons for that. First, we feel Him most during our bad times because we call upon Him more. Secondly, He is there just as He said He would be during our bad times. Only our Creator can offer such love….That is the way I see it!
Mary Frances King
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