God's Calling

Teach me to do thy will; for thou art God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness…..Psalm 143:10

Have you ever felt God calling you to serve Him in some way? Did you recognize His voice right away and did you try to ignore His calling. Did you say,” Oh, no! You don’t need me, Lord. I am not the person to do that job. There are others who are more qualified than me to do the work!”
If it is truly a call from God, do not question the call, simply say, “Yes, Lord,” then wait, for He has a glorious plan!
 Don’t waste your time pondering over the what-ifs or how-comes, neither question whether you have the ability to do it.  Don’t worry about the timing or the future. God’s calling is perfect. When the floods begin to rage, and they will, He will calm your storms and push back the raging sea. When the winds blow He will miraculously place them at your back.
When we are doing the will of God, we do not have to worry about making a way; God will lay the path before us. No foe can stop us, no poverty can starve us, and no evil can diminish His calling. There have been times I questioned, “How do I know it’s You, God?” So, I waited and eventually God revealed Himself in a way I could not doubt it being Him. 
The best thing we can do with our life is to work at making our heavenly Father proud.
Use your uniqueness to do a good work for Him. With Christ as the leader of your life, you are the product of a brand-new idea coming down from Heaven. You may be the one He chooses to tell the world about the excellent qualities of being a Christian. You may be the one with the beautiful singing voice to bless hearts and move spirits, the teacher He plants the idea of a special lesson on your heart and tells you to feed His people on Sunday morning. Maybe you are a great carpenter and the church house is in need of repairs. He places a hammer in your hands and says, “Get to work, Son.  
Youth workers are always in need in most every church. You never know what God has in store for you in this capacity until you get in there and really start looking for a place. 
God gives each of us a talent to use for Him. The wonderful thing about it is we don’t all have the same talent. Some he gave the gift of speech, some to pray, some to sing, some to teach, some to build, and some to be a good listener…The last one is a very special gift that few have. We all go through periods of time when we just need someone to listen. What we do with these gifts is up to us. We can bury them under a bushel or we can use them to spread His glory! The way I see it, we can never go wrong if we spread His glory around....

Walk with God,
Mary Frances king


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