His Unspeakable Joy...
Think of the happiest moment you've ever experienced
in your life. Think of the best you've ever felt, think of the most incredible
sight you've ever seen, and the thing of the most beauty your eyes have ever
beheld. Magnify it billions of times, and understand there is no end to this
joy, no aging, no pain, no disease, no loneliness, no fear, no doubt, no
discomfort, no death, and you only scratch the surface of what it's like in Heaven.
Majesty beyond conception and such beauty, it's beyond description.
Now imagine you're standing on a vast plain, with
the heavenly city towering above you in magnificent beauty. Your eyes behold a
brilliant, shining city, with light streaming through its jasper walls and
pearly gates, and a full spectrum of color gleaming from its jeweled
foundation. As you gaze in awe on the city, the first thing to attract your
attention is its massive jasper wall. The apostle John described it as follows:
‘The light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as
crystal.’ We know that these semi-precious stones are translucent in
composition, so that light is able to pass through them. From these jasper
walls, therefore, radiate brilliant rays of dazzling color for all to see. The
glory of the city will thus be visible from afar, and even the dwellers in the
area outside the walls will share in its brightness. The cheapest thing that
will be there is pure gold. We will be walking on streets of gold. When we read
those words, it is still just that. Words! Our minds cannot comprehend the rare
beauty that is waiting for us there. You know what else is hard to imagine. Our
loved ones and friends who have gone before us will be standing nearby waiting
for us to enter the city. But most of all, the joy is seeing Christ
face-to-face. The Way I See it, it is Unspeakable joy….
I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying; Behold, the tabernacle of
God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his
people, and God himself shall be with them, and he their God.
Revelation 21:3 (KJV)I have an inheritance to pass on to my children, Lord. It is stories of Your deliverance, Your great works, and your boundless love. What more could I possibly desire for them?
How often we wish for another chance
to make a fresh beginning,
A chance to blot out our mistakes
And change failure into winnings-
And it does not take a special time
to make a brand new start,
It only takes the deep desire
to try with all your heart.
To live a little better
and always be forgiving.
To add a little "Sunshine"
to the world which we're living-
So never give up in despair
and think that you are through,
For there's always a tomorrow
And a chance to start anew.
~Helen Steiner Rice~
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