Words of Encouragement~

Words of Encouragement!
I watch the rising sun in a world of blossoming trees, flowers, and green grass. This new beginning, as the day renews the world around me. A world filled with promise so real I can feel the very rhythm of the heartbeat of life and know that my God is Master of it all. Knowing these things there is room in my heart for only love and compassion; a place for only peace and security that is found in faith.
The Eastern dawn –the majestic scene of glory, symbolic of faith, hope, promise, and infinity –is so revealing of the glory of God. This is a time of reverence and awe…A new day and I shall rejoice and be glad in it!

Encouragement is a wonderful gift. A simple gesture means so much to someone with a hurting heart. We don’t have to make big splashy scenes to give someone a boost. A simple smile can lift   the discouraged. A sincere hello or a quick hug conveys a wealth of love, gratitude, and appreciation. We all can find opportunities to bring laughter to others.
Jesus always took the time for those who reached out to Him. In a crowd of people, He stopped to help a woman who touched Him. He went out of His way to cleanse the lepers and He gave sight to a poor beggar. His quiet love extended to everyone who had a need, regardless of his or her importance in life.
I think from time-to-time, God brings people into our path that needs encouragement. There is nothing wrong in giving the waiter who serves your dinner a smile. Instead of complaining about the high cost of the items you purchased, try praising the cashier at the food store about a cost-cutting sale that is going on inside their store. Encourage people who help you. I cannot tell you of the hundreds of times during the years my husband was living when young people were quick to hold the door for us as I pushed his wheelchair through the door. How I appreciated them when they would stop and load the wheel chair for me in the trunk of my car. Just recently, on a cold, windy day I was loading groceries in the car when a young man stopped and asked to help me. “Of course” I said, and when he finished loading them, I thanked him and told him how much he had helped me. A beautiful smile came across his face. Just knowing he had helped me made us both feel good…
This young boy did not have to stop and help me. It was cold and raining and he could have ran past me and gotten inside the store where it was warm and dry, yet he chose to stop and give a helping hand to someone he thought needed it (and I did). We are all trying to get through this troubled world, so we need to boost each other along the way. Cheering others can be like giving a cool drink of water to a hot and thirsty soul.
God doesn’t expect us to always agree with everyone, how they think, or how they do things, but do we have to be cruel to them. Do we have to wound their heart? Not once do we read in the Bible where Jesus made anyone feel less of a human. Not once do we read where He thought He was better than anyone else. Actually, He spent His entire life here on earth encouraging others.
While it is true, we cannot perform miracles like Jesus. We cannot turn water into wine or give sight to the blind and ears to the deaf. What we can do is throw a rope to a drowning soul; a heart that’s broken can be soothed with a dose of love. A spirit that is weak can be boosted up with a little encouragement.
Look for ways to build someone up. Never tear them down. Never make them think their worth is nothing. Use the works of Jesus as an example on how to encourage others, do it with love…As the old saying goes, “and treat others the way you want to be treated!” That is the way I see it…


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