I Am A Christian...
When we look to Christ, He embraces us and we are reminded of how much He loves us every time we read this simple, yet powerful verse in His word…”For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will never be lost, but have eternal life.
What a wonderful promise John 3:16 is….But despite this promise there are those who do not, will not believe. They think God is a fairytale and the lying voices of the world back this belief up. They try to persuade you to barter your belief in God for a new deal, and tell you it is okay to swap in your convictions for a quick thrill. The world has given up their integrity for a new sale…“Don’t worry, no one will ever know.” they whisper.
“You mean to tell me, you still have not outgrown those childish Sunday school teachings?” they taunt.
“Man, you’re way too smart to go along with that righteous stuff.” they sneer. The world gives us big problems, big worries, and big questions. God gives us peace, hope, and lasting joy.
Being a Christian puts you on a great climb. The wall is high, but the stakes are even higher. The day we confessed Christ as our Savior becomes the first step. It was then He gave us a path---His Holy Spirit, and in our hands, He placed a rope---His word. With the journey, we often feel fear and lose our grip. For just a short time we tumble wildly and sometimes fall. Then just before we hit rock bottom the rope tightens and the tumble ceases. We have taken hold of the hand of our Guide. We cannot see His face, but we know Him. He is the one who offers up the “Cup of mercy.” He is the One who reminds us that failures are forgivable, and the unloved can be loved.
Two things we need to keep in mind; we are great sinners and we need a great Savior. However, God is clear in what He offers…He gives all and He expects us to give Him our all. If we will remember that, life will have a real purpose. God will stay within sight and always within reach. The big choice is ours. We can’t stop the world from spinning and we have absolutely no control over the weather; but we do have control over where we go after this life. Spending eternity in Heaven is the only decision that really matters.
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