God's Whisper...
Do you remember those billowing cloud formations we lay staring at when we were children. What fun to gaze at horses, elephants, and castles in the sky put there by God’s handiwork? He even gave us the ability to use our imagination to piece out these images.
It is no act of chance when we listen to the melodious tune of a babbling brook as it sings on its merry journey; we must know the melody was written and set to music by our heavenly Father.
God's handiwork is all around us and His signature is on each of His masterpieces. In my opinion, the greatest masterpiece He ever created was YOU and ME! Because He created us in His Image. To say that we have tarnished that image is certainly an understatement, but just the same, we are His masterpieces. When He created us He knew we would sometimes fall…Still, He put His signature on us the day that we received Him as our personal Savior.
Have you ever had Him whisper to you? Jesus is aware of everything that concerns us. He whispers softly in our heart in a voice we can trust. You may ask me how I know it is Jesus whispering to me, or ask, “What does He say?” I can only answer you like this; He whispers to me deep within my heart and soul. He tells me things like, “Tomorrow will be a better day; never doubt I will always guide you on the right pathway." Often He tells me, “Listen to Me and follow my command, Child.” He knows I am hardheaded and often think I can do all things by myself. It is then He plainly tells me, “Be still, and know I am God.”
His words brings peace to my mind. He helps me leave behind all my worries. I can almost see Him when I look up, and always I hear Him whisper words of beauty, `cause His whispers are for “my ears only.”
It is the same for you. Listen for Him, he will speak for your ears only, too.
It is so wonderful to know His grace is sufficient to cover each of my needs, and God whispers to us all in the same language…The language of love. That is the way I see it….
Walk with God;
Mary Frances King
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