Under His Wings~
Recently, early in the morning I received a phone call from my mother. “Hurry to the hospital, your dad has had a heart attack,” she said. When I arrived I found her in tears. We sat there together for a while thinking that our loved one was not going to make it. So we prayed... Soon the doctor came out and told us they brought him back and he was okay, only a little angry. He was angry because they had to use the paddles on him. And I guess I knew what he felt, I remember being angry because Dad had to use the paddle on me a few times when I was growing up. :o)
My dad has always been the picture of health with no problem of any kind. However, this one day it happened. When we went back to him, my tears started to flow. All I could do was lay my head against his head and tell him, “Dad, I love you.”
My dad, "being dad" went immediately to, “going fishing.” Mostly to hide his own emotions. He told me what a great day he had one day last week while he was fishing…While he was talking I was thinking,"God is able."
My dad, "being dad" went immediately to, “going fishing.” Mostly to hide his own emotions. He told me what a great day he had one day last week while he was fishing…While he was talking I was thinking,"God is able."
They moved my dad to another hospital where they found he had a blood clot form in the heart. He had 100% blockage in one of the main arteries. They put in stents and now my dad is doing excellent. Had I lost my dad, I would not have been mad at God. He gave me fifty years with him and the last seven years have been wonderful. When my dad became a Christian, he did a total change… He is now a Sunday school teacher and a great worker in his church. I know that one day we will have to say good-by to each other because one of us will be called home before the other. But we both know it will not be final...We will meet again in Heaven, forever.
There are those of you have lost loved ones recently; others have family members fighting cancer and I say to you, God knows exactly what you are going through. He knows exactly how many tears you have cried. Your valley may be deep and your valley may be dark, but He reminds me that though I walk through the deep, dark valley He is with me….No matter what you are going through you are not alone…
The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou are with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoinest my head with oil: my cup runneth over.
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Psalm 23
When you feel like the waves are lapping over your head and you have gone down once, twice,three times, Listen to me ---He is that strong tower you can lean on. He is that Rock of Ages. He is our Shield and Comforter…He is our Lord God Jehovah.
Seven years ago, our daughter was in the hospital several miles from our home and my wife and my mother were there with her for more than 45 days. I drove back and forth to be with them when I could, but I had my job. It seemed like every Sunday afternoon when I was on my way to the hospital, the same song would always play. Titled--Under His Wings. There were times I would have to pull over on the side of the road because I would be weeping uncontrollably.
Things may not always go the way you want them to but I want you to know that you are always under His Wings…The Apostle Paul said, “Lord, remove this thorn from my flesh,” and God said, “NO.”
God will not always say, yes.
Lord, save my daughter…God said, “No.”
Lord, take away this cancer…God said. “No.”
For those who are hurting today, remember God loves you! Lean on Him and He will take you from Broken-ness to a Blessing.
Words of Inspiration from,
Pastor Earnest Fields, Jr.
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