Of A Royal Family
A short time ago, the world watched as England had another royal wedding. The late Princess Dianna's first-born son got married. We watched in awe as him and his beautiful bride said, "I do” while not only thousands, but millions were invited to the wedding by way of the marvelous invention called Television.
I am not sure what it is about the Royalty of England that makes us all go "goggle-eyed," but we do.
I was in the doctor’s office a day-or-two after the wedding and I overheard a woman tell another,
“I woke up at 1 o’clock to watch that royal wedding.” Now the way I see it, that is loyalty! I am afraid I do not share the same feeling with her. However, I will watch everything shown on Television about that fascinating family, as long as it is on at a reasonable hour, and I will read every article of entertainment I see.
The beauty of the country and where they go, how they dress, what they eat, and where they live, holds my interest. I love to see clips of their countryside. I like to see the old buildings and know they love and protect their heritage in a way the American people never do. I love to watch as the Queen goes about her business bringing to her country grace and honor. Even though the younger generation tries to live their life as a “commoner,” the world will not let them. We see them as money and power. As for we nosy Americans, if they gave up their wealth and went to live on the streets as an English bum, we would still worship them. I believe they would fascinate us even more!
So, what is it about English royalty that draws the world to them? I really do not know, but as my friend Wendy’s little daughter might say, “If only people would get that excited about God!”
For you see, God is Royalty! With more wealth than England could ever possess. Talk about grandeur! God’s Country has mansions more elaborate than England could ever own.
“Wealth” you may ask. Well to answer that question, God’s town streets are paved with fine gold, its city laid out with every kind of precious jewels you can imagine. Beautiful stones are decorating every corner of the land. There is a crystal sea that every eye can behold. Music will be playing, voices singing, happiness abounds everywhere; and not one sick person will be present. No signs on the door of any mansion with the inscription “Doctor by trade,” It will be no such thing as kings or queens to rule the land. For sure, there will be no President and his cabinet, making decisions…
You ask, “What kind of people will be living in this beautiful city?” Only those of Royalty. The Blood-bought, cleaned up, forgiven from sin, children of God.
I am in that Royal Family, a descendant of Jesus, and there is no better family to belong! That is the way I see it...
I am in that Royal Family, a descendant of Jesus, and there is no better family to belong! That is the way I see it...
Nevertheless, the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal, “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” 2 Timothy 2:19
I’ve never stood at a royal court
And bowed before the king,
But one day I’ll stand before the throne
And listen to the angel choir sing.I’ve never climbed a mountain high,
For certain, I never will,
Friend, I’ve climbed miles with God,
And reached the top of the highest hill.
I’ve never been on a ship,
Never sailed wild and free,
But, I’ve stood near the waters still,
And heard God whisper to me.
I’ve never gone to a foreign land,
No place have I wanted to see,
But one day, I’ll sail on home,
As the Angel’s sing to me.
~Mary Frances King~
Have a blessed day in the Lord,
Mary Frances King
~Mary Frances King~
Have a blessed day in the Lord,
Mary Frances King
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